Research orientation 1 – Archeologies of the Southern Levant
- Sylvain Bauvais, CRCN, CEA CNRS, archeologist, expert in archaeometallurgy
PhD candidates et post-doctoral fellows
- Manuel Berenguel, PhD candidate, medieval archeology.
- Aurélia Borvon, post-doctoral fellow, archeozoologist
- Laurent Davin, post-doctoral fellow, archeologist
- Carine Harivel, PhD candidate, archeologist
- Jonas Horny, PhD candidate, archeologist
- Bénédicte Lhoyer, postdoctoral researcher, egyptian archeology
- Elise Mercier, PhD candidate, archeologist
- Sol Sanchez-Dehesa, post-doctoral fellow, archeologist
Archeological missions supported by the CRFJ
- Ferran Borrel Tena (CSIC) and Kobi Vardi (IAA) : Neolithic site of Nahal Efe
- Yves Gleize (INRAP) : Cimetière des croisés d’Atlit
- Julien Vieugué (UMR 7055, CNRS) : Neolithic site of Nachal Zippori
Research orientation 2 – History, Traditions, Memory
- Stéphane Ancel, historien, chargé de recherche au CNRS (CéSor-Ehess) est spécialiste de l’histoire contemporaine de l’Église orthodoxe d’Éthiopie (19.-20. centuries).
- Vincent Lemire, maître de conférences HDR à l’université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, directeur du CRFJ (Centre de recherche français à Jérusalem) et directeur du projet européen « Open Jerusalem ».
PhD and postdoctoral researchers AMI CRFJ
- Avital Cohen, PhD candidate, textual critique
- Clément Dussart, PhD candidate, medieval epigraphy
- Andrea Umberto Gritti, PhD candidate, history and civilisations
- Virginia Grossi, PhD student, Archeology, medieval history
- Marie Levant, post-doctoral fellow, History
- Elisabeth Mortier, PhD candidate, History
- Defne Ozözer, PhD candidate, Social history
- Matteo Poiani, PhD candidate, Sciences of religions
- Chloé Rosner, post-doctoral fellow, History
- Esther Saltiel-Ragot, PhD candidate, History
Research orientation 3 – Israelis and Palestinians : spaces, societies, institutions and contemporary cultures
- Claude Rosental, sociologist, CNRS research director, EHESS
- Karen Akoka, sociologist, associate professor at the University of Paris Nanterre
Doctorants et post-doctorants AMI CRFJ (Aide à la mobilité internationale)
- Caterina Bandini, post-doctoral fellow, Sociology
- Alicia Magnolfi, PhD candidate, Sociology
- Joël Sebban, post-doctorant (AMI CRFJ) : Histoire et Sociologie