Lundi 21 juin 2021, 9h-12h (heure en France), webinaire transversal du CRFJ.

Founder of the French Research Centre in Jerusalem, Jean Perrot is a leading figure of Prehistoric archaeology in Israel who contributed to the development of large-scale systematic excavations. The relatively meticulous excavations he carried out on many major Levantine Neolithic (Mallaha, Beisamoun, Munhata) and Chalcolithic (Abu Matar, Bir es-Safadi) sites between the 1950s and 1970s triggered unique scientific and administrative documentations that remain greatly unexplored. Within the framework of several research projects, archaeologists have started to explore the scientific archives of these old excavations in order to answer current issues regarding the place of the dead in the Natufian societies, the emergence of pottery during the 7th millennium cal. BC or the urbanization process during the 5th millennium cal. BC. At the same time, historians have begun to examine the administrative archives to shed light on the influence of the founder of the CRFJ on the development of institutes of Archaeology in Israel. This workshop thus aims to highlight the synergies that are created about the personality of Jean Perrot and his activities, long after his death.

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