Organizing committee: Serena Di Nepi, Pinchas Roth, and Pierre Savy 

Monday February 24, 2025, Centre de recherche français à Jérusalem 

9.30 am-5 pm 

Serena Di Nepi (Sapienza Università di Roma), Pinchas Roth (Bar-Ilan University), and Pierre Savy (Université Gustave Eiffel) 


1. Alon Brand (Hebrew University) 

The State, the Jews and the Halakhah in the Responsa of Rabbi Isaiah di Trani 

2. Pinchas Roth (Bar-Ilan University) and Rachel Furst (Ben-Gurion University) 

Responsa of R. Jacob Israel Finzi 

12.30 pm Lunch 

3. Omer Ahituv (Bar-Ilan University) 

Responsum from the Recipient’s Perspective: Hierarchy, Authority, and Social Networks in a Responsum from Liwa of Ferrara to Menachem Oldendorf at the Dawn of the Sixteenth Century 

4. Dana Fishkin (Touro College, New York) 

Immanuel of Rome’s satirical treatment of halachic practices 

Tuesday February 25, 2025, National Library of Israel 

9.30 am-5 pm 

1. Moshe Kravetz (independent scholar, Beit Shemesh) 

The Da Pisa family and the controversial Will in R. Moshe Provenzalo’s Responsum (187-189) 

2. Edward Fram (Ben Gurion University) 

A Rabbinic Reaction to the Use of Non-Jewish Courts by Jews in Early Seventeenth-Century Italy 

12.30 pm Lunch 

3. Roni Weinstein (Rothberg School for Overseas Students, Hebrew University) 

The Refusal of Political-Halakhic Authority: R. Joseph Kolon and the Issue of “Betrothal Expropriation” [Hafka‘at Kiddushin] 

4. Yeheskel Levy (independent scholar, Paris) and Pierre Savy (Université Gustave Eiffel) 

“Dina de-malkhuta dina”: Jews and Ducal Government in R. Azriel Daiana’s Responsa