Launched in 2014 and directed by Vincent Lemire (CRFJ Director), the EU-funded project is aimed at identifying, locating, classifying and making accessible the archives on the history of Jerusalem in the 19th and 20th centuries (1840-1940). Its web portal now provides access to 40,000 original documents written in 12 different languages and stored in 15 countries, within some 50 archiving institutions that are partners of the project.

The 60 researchers involved in the network have published numerous scientific contributions, as well as publications for the general public, including a history of Jerusalem in comic strips and a history of the Maghrebi quarter of Jerusalem, whose 3D reconstruction will be inaugurated during the event. The multi-site event “Open Jerusalem Days” is the first public event organized in Palestine and East-Jerusalem since the project was launched.

• Video replay of all the conferences available here : Facebook Live. > avec ce lien :
• Free App « Jerusalem Maghrebi Quarter » (3D Reconstruction of the Maghrebi Quarter) freely accessible 
– on App Store (iPhone) here  > avec ce lien : 
– on Google Play Store (Android) here > avec ce lien :